Dr. Olga Vizika-Kavvadias


Dr. Olga Vizika-Kavvadias holds a Diploma and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (University of Patras). Since 2013 she is Director of Geosciences at IFP Energies Nouvelles. Her relative research activity is focused on: Water Alternate Gas (WAG) processes, gas condensate and depressurization of mature fields; Experimental investigation and modeling of transport properties of gravity drainage, gas injection processes; Modeling of phenomena occurring during reactive flows in porous media with applications to the geological storage of CO2; Experimental investigation and modeling of the effect of microstructure and heterogeneities at different scales on the displacement mechanisms and macroscopic flow properties of sandstones and carbonates.

Relative Research Projects

  1. 1996-2000: Project Leader of EC project (programme JOULE) with AEA (UK), IKU (Norway), TUD (Netherlands), ENS (France) ‘Estimation of reserves potential for near-critical systems-RESPONS I and II’.
  2. 1998-2000: Project Leader French National programs supporting research on hydrocarbons FSH "WAG - Hystérésis des perméabilités relatives triphasiques" with TOTAL and GDF,
  3. 1998-2000: French National programs supporting research on hydrocarbons FSH " Dépressurisation" with EEP, TOTAL and GDF. 
  4. 1998 – 2006:  Project Leader, confidential projects with oil companies
  5. 2003-2009: IFPEN representative in CO2GeoNet (European Network of Excellence)

Relative Publications

  1. Bauer et al., “From computed microtomography images to resistivity index calculations of heterogeneous carbonates using a dual-porosity pore-network approach: Influence of percolation on the electrical transport properties”, Physical Review E, 84 (1), Article 011133 (2011).
  2. Algive et al., “Impact of diagenetic alterations on the petrophysical and multiphase flow properties of carbonate rocks using a reactive pore network modeling approach”, Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles 67 (1), pp. 147-160 (2012).
  3. Bauer et al., “Improving the estimations of petrophysical transport behavior of carbonate rocks using a dual pore network approach combined with computed microtomography”, Transport in Porous Media, 94 (2), pp. 505-524 (2012).
  4. Egermann et al., “Drainage Three-Phase Flow Relative Permeability on Oil-Wet Carbonate Reservoir Rock Types: Experiments, Interpretation and Comparison with Standard Correlations” Petrophysics, 55(4), pp. 287-293 (2014).
  5. Oughanem et al., “A Multi-Scale Investigation of Pore Structure Impact on the Mobilization of Trapped Oil by Surfactant Injection”, Transport in Porous Media, 109 (3), pp. 673-692 (2015).