Recent Publications

  • Jaho, S., Sygouni, V., Rokidi, S., Parthenios, J., Koutsoukos, P.G., Paraskeva, C.A. “Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate in Porous Media in the Presence of n-Dodecane”, Crystal Growth and Design, September (2016)
  • Jaho S., Athanasakou G. D., Sygouni V., Lioliou M. G., Koutsoukos P. G. and C. A. Paraskeva, “Experimental Investigation of Calcium Carbonate precipitation and Crystal Growth in 1-D and 2-D porous media”, Crystal Growth and Design, 16 (1),pp. 359-370, (2016)
  • Pavlakou, E.I., Sygouni, V., Lioliou, M.G. ,  Koutsoukos, P.G., Paraskeva, C.A. “Precipitation of sparingly soluble salts in packed sandbeds in the presence of miscible and immiscible organic substances”, Crystal Research and Technology, 51 (2), pp. 167-177, (2016)
  • Skouras, E.D., Sygouni, V., Constantinides, G.N., Paraskeva, C.A., “Flow, Transport and Controlled Sedimentation of Salt Solutions in Porous Formations with Enhanced Structural Properties, Crystal Growth and Design, 16 (11), pp 6230–6238, (2016)

Relevant Selected Previous Publications of the members of the research team

  • Robin, M., Behot, J., and V. Sygouni, “CO2 Injection in porous media: Observations in glass micromodels under reservoir conditions”, SPE-DOE 2: 1025-1039 (2012)  
  • Duquerroix, J.P., Sygouni, V., Bekri, S., Vizika, O., Fernandez Righi, E., “Modeling WAG experiments with three-phase hysteretic fractal model”, Society of Petroleum Engineers - 72nd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2010 Barcelona - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Vol. 5 pp. 3894 - 3898 (2010).
  • Arvaniti, E.C., Lioliou, M.G., Paraskeva, C.A., Payatakes, A.C., Østvold, T., Koutsoukos, P.G “Calcium oxalate crystallization on concrete heterogeneities” Chemical Engineering Research and Design 88 (11), pp 1455-1460 (2010)
  • Kofina, A.N., Lioliou, M.G., Paraskeva, C.A., Klepetsanis, P.G, Østvold, T., Koutsoukos, P.G. “Controlled precipitation of sparingly soluble phosphate salts using enzymes. II. precipitation of struvite”, Crystal Growth and Design 9 (11), 4, pp. 4642-4652 (2009)
  • Lioliou, M.G., Kofina, A.N., Paraskeva, C.A., Klepetsanis, P.G., Østvold, T., Payatakes, A.C., Koutsoukos, P.G. Controlled precipitation of sparingly soluble phosphate salts using enzymes. I. Controlled development of solution supersaturation in situ”, Crystal Growth and Design 8 (4),  pp 1390-1398 (2008)
  • Sygouni, V., C.D. Tsakiroglou, and A.C. Payatakes, “Using wavelets to characterize the wettability of porous materials”, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 76 (5), 056304 (2007)
  • Lioliou, M.G., Paraskeva, C.A. Koutsoukos, P.G., “Heterogeneous nucleation and growth of calcium carbonate on calcite and quartz” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 308, pp. 421-428 (2007)
  • Sygouni, V., C.D. Tsakiroglou, and A.C. Payatakes, “Capillary pressure spectrometry: toward a new method for the measurement of the fractional wettability of porous media”, Phys. Fluids, 18, 053302 (2006)
  • Sygouni V., Tsakiroglou C.D., and A.C. Payatakes, “Effects of fractional wettability and its spatial heterogeneity on the capillary pressure and relative permeability functions”, Paper SCA2005-52, Society of Core Analysts (2005)
  • Sygouni V., Tsakiroglou C.D., and A.C. Payatakes, “Correlation of the dynamic immiscible displacement patterns with the fractional wettability of porous media”, Society of Core Analysts, Paper SCA2003-07 pp.75-86 (2003)
  • C.A. Paraskeva, P.C. Charalambous, L.-E. Stokka, P.G. Klepetsanis, P.G. Koutsoukos, P. Read, T. Ostvold, and A.C. Payatakes “Sandbed Consolidation with Mineral Precipitation”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 232, pp 326–339 (2000)