Dr. Varvara Sygouni

Organization: FORTH/ICE-HT
Laboratory: Lab. of Transport Phenomena and Physicochemical Hydrodynamics
WebPage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Varvara-Sygouni


Varvara Sygouni holds a Diploma and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (University of Patras) and is a Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Transport Phenomena & Chemical Hydrodynamics (Chemical Eng. Dept. University of Patras) & FORTH/ICE-HT. She is P.I. of "WetμFluid- Effect of Pore Surface Wettability on Mineral Scaling, a μFluidic approach" (Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation). She is collaborating educational staff at Hellenic Open University (Waste management) and at the Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras.

Relative Research Projects

Relative Publications

Selected publications