Work package 2

Work Package Title: Information and Publicity

Duration: 36 Months


The objective of this WP is to disseminate the project’s objectives, results and ensure exploitation of results, future collaborations and extension to other applications.

Description of Work

This WP includes an influential dissemination programme:

Task 2.1: Results dissemination
  1. A webpage including project’s details, objectives, results, will be constructed.
  2. The PI shall ensure project results dissemination to the scientific community and intends to organize with the assistance of the research group members two information sessions, one in the middle and one close to the end of the project.
  3. During the 36 months of the project, the research team will participate with oral or poster presentations at international conferences.
  4. At least 3 publications in international research journals will be published.
Task 2.2 Results exploitation
  1. In order to exploit the project’s results and to create new collaborations with companies/research institutes and universities, members of the research team will participate at least in two relevant international workshops.
  2. In the same direction, one workshop will be organized about the 36th month.
  3. Brochures or flyers will be developed.